Summary of Synthesis Report | IPCC AR6

Simplified Key Points for the Climate Stakeholders

The Synthesis Report of the 6th IPCC Assessment Report was released on 20th March 2023.

Key Points have been summarised in this article from the Synthesis Report for current climate status awareness for the general public.

1. Human activities have caused global warming, resulting in a 1.1°C increase in temperature since 1850-1900.

2. Current policy actions are likely to lead to a temperature increase beyond 1.5°C, resulting in severe impacts on humans and other forms of life.

3. If CO2 emissions remain at 2019 levels, the remaining carbon budget for limiting global warming to 1.5°C with a 50% likelihood will be depleted by 2030.

4. Urgent and deep GHG emissions reductions are required across all sectors within this decade to achieve the 1.5°C goal with a 50% likelihood.

5. There are feasible and effective low-cost options for mitigation and adaptation, including solar and wind energy, electrification of urban systems, energy efficiency, and forest conservation and restoration.

6. Political commitment and equity are crucial to enable the shift towards low- carbon economic systems, with a greater focus needed on public grant-based finance for developing countries. There is enough finance available, but it needs to be directed towards climate action.

A delegation from a major fossil fuel-producing country advocated for untested CO2 removal technologies like CCS (carbon capture and storage), which is seen as a means of prolonging the viability of fossil fuel operations. Negotiations resulted in a footnote stating that CCS faces multiple barriers and deployment rates are below what is needed to limit global warming. Despite its political nature, the SPM (Summary for Policymakers) offers an overview of the state of our global climate and the necessary policy measures to avoid the worst of the crisis.

Immediate climate action in all quarters is required to avoid the imminent climate crisis.

The image depicted here is part of the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) Figures in the IPCC Synthesis Report. This image is one of the most shared images of the current report as it represents the observed and projected changes in the global surface temperatures for humans born in 1950, 1980 and 2020. Different scenarios of temperatures have been depicted in the image according to emission status.

Most scientists are stressing the urgent need to take action on emission control and adapt mitigative strategies on a global level to limit temperature levels.

No time like now to start #climateaction to control #climatechange to avoid #climatecrisis.

Find the full report on the official website of IPCC: Synthesis Report — IPCC

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Chakravarty, P. (March 21, 2023).Summary of Synthesis Report | IPCC AR6. Jalvayu: Environment and Climate Talk.